Intelligent Power Distribution

Intelligent PDUs

An Intelligent Power Distribution Unit (iPDU) is a networked power distribution unit that increases the efficiencies of Data Centers with real-time remote power monitoring, environmental monitoring, and Data Center infrastructure integration. They help achieve the ultimate goal of any Data Center manager, maintaining uptime while reducing cost.

Types of intelligent PDUs

  • Metered Inlet PDUs:  Metered inlet PDUs meter power at the PDU inlet-level and display data both locally and over a network.
  • Metered Outlet PDUs:  Metered outlet PDUs offer the same features as the metered inlet PDUs, in addition to metering at the outlet-level, and they also display data both locally and over a network.
  • Switched PDUs:  Switched PDUs offer the same features as the metered inlet PDUs and enable authorized users to securely power-cycle outlets in a specific order, remotely.
  • Switched PDUs with Outlet metering:  Switched PDUs with outlet metering combine all the capabilities of the switched PDUs and the outlet metered PDUs.

Track Busway

We offer comprehensive and reliable industry-leading electrical power distribution system, Ideal for supplying large amounts of power to Data Center and mission critical environments. System configurations include straights, elbows and tees which assemble to create a plug-and-play power distribution system that revolutionises the way environments operate.


Key features

  • Reconfigure power connections easily with no rewiring necessary
  • Simple to install with little to no maintenance required
  • Customisable plug-in units
  • Continuous, reliable power connection
  • Optional integrated metering
  • Available in a variety of colours

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